lunes, noviembre 02, 2009

I just really love all this

Todo visto en

Me he pasado como más de una hora larga poniéndome al día con esta página que llevaba un tiempo ya sin visitar, y no he podido, ni querido, resistirme a postear algunas de las cosas que ahí he visto.

I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too, Thursday I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love!
Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart. Oh, Thursday doesn't even start. It's Friday I'm in love!
I don't care if Mondays black, Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack, Thursday, never looking back. It's Friday, I'm in love!
Monday, you can hold your head, Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed. Or Thursday - watch the walls instead. It's Friday, I'm in love!

Sobre lo siguiente decía el post que if Pixar and Amelie (the movie) were to have unprotected sex, Skhizein by Jérémy Clapin would probably be their kid. Enjoy! A mi me ha encantado!

Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008) from Stephen Dedalus on Vimeo.

Y ya para ir terminado por hoy, no te pierdas el siguiente video! Animated short about the plague of “smooth jazz” in offices: “Distraxion” Genial!