lunes, julio 06, 2009

Never done acid!!! ...but I love sea horses, forever!

En un principio la historia detrás era la siguiente, un chico toma ácido y sus colegas le encierran en un armario. Esto dio lugar al corte Drinking out of cups del álbum meetle mice de Dan Deacon. Lo siguiente uno de los videos más divertidos o al menos con el que más me he reído en mucho tiempo. Resulta que hoy por pura casualidad he visto esto y eso mismo aquí. Y también me ha hecho mucha gracia la aclaración, punto por punto hasta llegar a 9, pero… no es una pena ahora saber que was created without drugs or acid?

Cuelgo el video por si no lo has visto aun, aunque si es así lo que es una pena es que lo veas ahora cuando ya sabes que al parecer el propio DD aclara que fue fruto más de una broma que de la química.

What does this guy think he's an Indian? What is he a goddamn asshole? What the fuck is he doin'. Not ever. No way. Now he's Johnny Hammersticks, Hammerin' away like he's friggin' Tommy Noble, What the hell is he doin'. Thinks he's, thinks he's got it goin' bossa nova. No way. No way! What is this garbage. What is this? Oh I'm king of the trees, I'm the treemeister. I count on them. What sometimes I ?? I got like ??? Yeah right. Yeah right! This guy's a faggot, guy's some sort of faggot Indian in the teepee. Ooh this guy thinks he's Captain Knots. Captain Tyin' Knots. When everyone needs some knots tied, they go to him. Bull shit! Bullshit dice. Bull. His woman's such a bitch. Thinks he's Miss Sand. Drinking out of cups. Being a bitch. How bout a fist. How bout a fatalisk , barnd. Patters compelll a little kid in the background fuckin' going crazeeee... Who's this guy Mister Balloons. Mister Balloon Hands. No way. No way! Get real! Like those things. Mister Walkway. Mister walk down me I'm the walkway. Lead me to the building. Fuck you. 5 6 4 3 yeah right! Here's some stupid bitch. Who paid for that floor? Not me! No way! Never paid for no floor never again. Not once, not never. Nope. Whose chair is that? Who bought that goddamn chair here? It's not my chair. Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I say. No way. Stupid dresses. Stupid flowers. Lighthouses rule. You don't like the lighthouse? you suck. What is this, Sea Horse Captain? What sisis sea horse sea shell party? Who didn't invite me! Why didn't I get invited, sea horse sea hell? What is this... Get real! I'm in love with sea horses, I'm in love with them. They're so beautiful and cute, I'm in love with the sea horses. They're fuckin' unreal, I love them. They're like all the clocks, I love 'em, I love sea horses, and I love lookin' at 'em. And I love sea shells. I love sea shell things, I love things with sea shells and sea horses on 'em. Like blankets, and towels, and little bags, I love 'em! Sea horses, forever!